Training and Healthcare Blogs

10 Top Tips to Carrying Out Effective Supervisions

10 Top Tips to Carrying Out Effective Supervisions

Here are our 10 top tips to an effective supervision...

1) Notice - Give plenty of notice of when the supervision will be.
2) Respect and value the persons input and ideas - this creates a positive relationship.
3) Be open and honest - lead by example, if you are open and honest, they are more likely to be too.
4) Listen to the person and ensure they feel 'heard'.
5) Avoid distractions - ensure the environment is free of distractions for both of you and turn your phone on silent.
6) Approach the supervisions with a positive attitude - this shouldn't feel like a chore to get out of the way.
7) Give praise - it isn't all about how they can improve but also acknowledge what they are doing well.
8) Discuss any problems or issues - don't shy away from them - come up with a solution together.
9) Make sure any actions agreed are achievable.
10) Read and agree the supervision record - ensure you both understand what is being agreed.

Everyone has something to learn or to refresh the knowledge and skills you already have, even supervisors.

For more information on carrying out effective supervisions, join us for our 'The Principles of Effective Supervision' webinar on Tuesday 18th July 2023.

As a thank you for taking the time to read this blog - use promo code SVBlog23 to get a discount on the webinar tickets.

For more information and to book click here.