Clinical Skills
Epilepsy Awareness
Half day
Maximum number of learners:
Course overview:
This course will teach you about epilepsy and seizures, including what epilepsy is, causes, triggers, symptoms and the different treatment options.
The course details the different responses to different types of seizures, how to recognise an emergency situation and how to support an individual after a seizure
Course learning outcomes:
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Define the term epilepsy and discuss the common types
• Define the term Seizure
• Discuss potential triggers of epilepsy and seizures.
• Explain how to provide support before, during and after a seizure.
• Discuss the impact of epilepsy on development and functioning.
• Discuss and list relevant legislation and understand the associated legal responsibilities.
• Discuss the term Status Epilepticus
• Discuss emergency treatment including the use of rescue medication