Health & Safety
WGLA Manual Handling Training Passport Scheme
2 Day
2 Days
Maximum number of learners:
Course overview:
This course has been developed to give useful practical advice and skills to individuals who use manual handling as part of their daily routines. The learner will develop knowledge and experience in a few different manual handling techniques which can be used in a number of
situations involving people and/or objects.
Each learner will complete Modules A - F of the
Welsh Local Government Association All Wales Manual Handling Passport scheme, which can be used to evidence discussion and practical participation throughout.
Module G is available upon request.
Course learning outcomes:
• Define the term ' Manual Handling'
• List the activities and factors associated with muscular-skeletal injuries
and how to avoid injuries
• Describe the basic anatomy of the spine
• Define ergonomics and discuss its application in the workplace
• Cite the relevant pieces of legislation and outline their implications
• Identify relevant legislation associated with safe moving and handling
of people including LOLER and PUWER
• Describe Controversial Techniques and why they are classified as such.
• Explain the criteria by which appropriate handling techniques and
equipment are selected and reviewed including Risk assessment
• Demonstrate their ability to move and handle people using a range of
techniques and equipment as per modules A to F of the WGLA All
Wales Manual Handling Training and Information Passport Scheme