Health & Social Care
Conflict Management with Breakaways
Full day
Maximum number of learners:
Course overview:
This course has been designed to assist individuals deal with conflict, possible violent situations, aggression, bullying and intimidating behavior of a hostile and challenging manner in the interest of personal safety in the workplace. It is aimed at anyone who may encounter any form of conflict and/or aggression within their work or personal life.
Course learning outcomes:
By the end of the session the learner will be able to:
• Define the terms Conflict and Aggression
• Describe the common causes of conflict
• Describe different forms of communication
• Give examples of communication breakdowns
• Explain different models of communication that can assist with de-
• Describe patterns of behaviour you may encounter during different
• Describe warning and danger signs including the P.O.P theory
• Describe the importance of spatial awareness when dealing with
• Give examples of impact factors
• Describe different methods for dealing with possible conflict situations
• Explain the use of 'reasonable force' as it applies to conflict resolution
Discuss relevant Health and Safety Legislation
• Define the term Use of Force and discuss relevant Legislation
• Demonstrate and practice common breakaway techniques.