Health & Social Care
Dignity in Care
Half day
Maximum number of learners:
Course overview:
This course has been specifically designed and developed to encourage the learner to think for themselves about how dignity and respect should be one of the fundamentals of care. This course will equip the learner with positive approaches to providing care with dignity and respect, regardless of any differences a person may have. It will also explore their own attitudes in terms of how they would expect to be treated on the receiving end of care. This course also links into other care principles that have the potential for further development.
Course learning outcomes:
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
• Describe the terms dignity, respect and inclusion
• Cite the legislation surrounding dignity and respect
• Discuss and explain how people feel when they are not treated with dignity and respect
• Describe what constitutes best practice when providing services with dignity and respect and ensure they employ these practices
• Cite the reasons why unacceptable staff attitudes and practices must be replaced where they exist
• Describe the importance of inclusion and person centred thinking