Health & Social Care
End of Life / Palliative Care
Half day
Maximum number of learners:
Course overview:
This course has been developed for people who are working with individuals who are near the end of their life. The course will allow the learner to explore different strategies in order to help promote quality of care whilst maintaining a professional and dignified standard. The course can also be attended by anyone who has an interest in End-of-Life care or for anyone who would like to learner more about the subject.
Course learning outcomes:
By the end of the day, learners will be able to:
• Define the term End of Life/Palliative care
• Discuss the processes of end-of-life care
• Define the terms Grief and Mourning
• Discuss Elsabeth Kubler' 5 stages of grief and mourning
• Explain the importance of support and effective communication
• Discuss the term capacity and decision making
• Cite the physical and emotional effects of end of life
• Discuss the common symptoms associated with end of life and how to manage them
• List the signs of death and dying
• Discuss the care workers role before, during and after death
• Discuss the importance of debrief