Mental Health
Substance Misuse
Half day
Maximum number of learners:
Course overview:
This course is designed for learners who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of substance misuse in order to raise awareness of substance misuse and its consequences, improve the knowledge, awareness, understanding and effectiveness of those currently working in the field of substance misuse or supporting people involved in substance misuse.
Course learning outcomes:
By the end of the day the learner should be able to:
• Define the term Substance Misuse
• Explore our own attitudes towards people who misuse substances
• Discuss current legislation surrounding Substances Misuses
• List reasons why people may misuse substances
• Describe what substances are commonly misused and associated street names
• List possible signs of Substance Misuse
• Discuss the social and personal effects of Substance Misuse
• Explain the importance of person-centered care
• Discuss the necessary support required for people who misuse substances.