Mental Health
Suicide & Self Harm
Half day
Maximum number of learners:
Course overview:
This course is designed to provide learners with an introduction to suicide and non-suicidal self harm. It will give the learner knowledge and skills to understand reasons why people may engage in such thoughts and/or behaviors, recognize signs, offer early intervention and management skills to an individual exhibiting suicide and/or self-harm thoughts and behaviors
Course learning outcomes:
By the end of the session, learners will be able to:
• Define the terms Self Harm and Suicide
• Discuss the reasons for Self-Harm and Suicide
• List the demographics of Suicide and Self Harm in the UK
• Discuss the risk assessment process for intervention
• Cite some of the common reactions and stigmas towards people who Self Harm and/or attempt Suicide
• List recognized strategies to assist someone in crisis
• Cite some common myths and misconceptions
• Discuss the terms ASIST and Mental Health First aid
• Cite where professional help can be sought in a crisis
• Recognize individual limitation