Mental Health
Understanding Anxiety
Full day
Maximum number of learners:
Course overview:
This course has been developed to give the learner knowledge and skills to better understand Anxiety. The learner will gain knowledge in understanding the causes and reasons of anxiety whilst developing strategies to help manage an anxiety disorder. This course is best suited to anyone working with anxiety disorders and/or who wish to develop strategies in managing their own anxieties
Course learning outcomes:
By the end of the day, learners will be able to:
• Define the terms Mental Health and Mental Illness
• Discuss ways in which to promote positive mental health
• Discuss the term anxiety and its primary cause
• List common types of anxiety conditions such as OCD, PTSD and severe
• Recognise how anxiety affects the mind and body and behaviours
associated with this
• Describe what to look out for when you think someone is struggling
with their mental health
• Discuss reasons why anxiety-related illnesses are increasing
• Develop techniques on how stress anxiety can be reduced
• Discuss how to be a positive role model and promote mental health
and well-being in our everyday lives